My roommate and I went out for Thai food last night. It was my first. SUPER YUMMY!!!! Ashley, you were right, Thai food is the best and I can't wait to come home and go to your favorite place in Oakland.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
I went on a bike ride today. Just a nice, leisurely bike ride. Okay, maybe not leisurely. I rode while my friend ran, he's training for a half marathon. It felt really good, except for the part when my lungs were exploding, but for the most part it was really nice. I will go again, but for now, I'm pooped.
Oh, and I'm supposed to go out for Thai food tonight. It'll be my first time. I'll let you know...
Posted by Julie at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Ryan Goes to Washington
My friend Ryan came to visit. I finally started to see my new city. Georgetown, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Capital Building Tour, Library of Congress, Air and Space Museum, Georgetown again, institute... Ryan come back!
And, while I'm not in any of the photos, I swear I was there.
Posted by Julie at 10:27 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 05, 2009
The following post will show my new shoes. New shoes that are incredibly special because they don't hurt my feet. My feet hurt. All the time. Especially since I started nursing school. I've tried loads of shoes and nothing has helped - mostly they've hurt. I finally found a place, across the street from my house, where they fitted me with orthotics and I found two (2!!!) pairs of shoes that haven't hurt my feet yet. Happy day.
Posted by Julie at 8:37 PM 0 comments