Thursday, September 03, 2009

"500 Days of Summer"

"500 Days of Summer" was lame and slightly depressing. Who wants to go to the movies and not have a happy ending? Lame. I like fairy tales. If I wanted reality I would read my journal. There was, however, one exceptional scene where they split screen him going to a party at her house, one side: "expectations" the other side "reality". That was an excellent portrayal of reality. Loved it. The rest of the movie, not so much. If I didn't have to work in the morning I'd probably cry.


To qualify for the mini-gastric bypass (MGB) surgery I have to be a certain weight. When I started this process back in April I was over the qualifying weight by about 10 pounds. I have since lost that 10 pounds. Herein lies the problem, if I lose anymore weight I may not qualify, per insurance, for the surgery. Do you have any idea how hard it is to stay the same weight - especially when you're neurotic about it? Believe, I thought I was crazy before... My biggest fear about this surgery is that my insurance won't approve it. I want it to by my choice.

Just a glimpse into my life... I don't have a chair for my desk so I sit on my exercise ball. I just tried to adjust my position on it and fell off, taking down a lamp and a clock. They were small... Now I'm sitting in the dark. Embracing my inner klutz.

I'm off to go see "500 Days of Summer" with my friend.