Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stupid Question.

We were talking about seizures in patho today when a student raised her hand and asked, and I'm not kidding here, "Can you have a seizure if you've never had one before?" Seriously? Seriously?! With that logic there'd be no such thing as seizures! What made her question even more amazing was that she was SINCERE! She didn't misphrase her question - she really wanted to know if you could have a seizure if you've never had one before! And this girl is in a nursing program. Scary. My friend and I about died laughing. But, just in case you were worried, my friend assures me I will never have alzheimers because, obviously, I've never had it before.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Get to know you mail...

I got this and thought I'd waste some time filling it out.

Flip to page 18, paragraph 4 - in the book closest to you right now, what does it say?
"Viewed in sections, the human body is not a solid object, and many vital organs are suspended in internal chambers called body cavities."

If you stretch out your left arm as far as possible, what are you touching?
A coat rack.

What’s the last program you watched on TV?
Desperate Housewives and I was kind of watching Law and Order while fixing my anatomy book.

Without looking, guess what time it is.
8:40pm (8:41 - but that's hardly fair as I just looked 5 minutes ago)

Aside from the computer, what can you hear right now?

What are you wearing?
My sweats.

Did you dream last night? If you did, what about?
I didn't dream last night.

When was the last time you laughed?
This morning on my way to school. I carpool with a very funny girl. That's a good thing.

What’s on the walls, in the room you’re in right now?
Framed US & CA state flags. A sketch by James Christensen. A Renoir print. Photo of Alice Palmer's family quilt.

Have you seen anything strange lately?
A sign I saw last week made me giggle. "Your on video."

What’s the last film you saw? I saw The Prestige with Ashley a couple weeks ago. I loved it! Does it get better than Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman?

If you became a multimillionaire, what would you do with the money?
Pay off my debt. Pay cash for the rest of my education. Buy a place to live and a new car. Take some vacations. Then save the rest.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
I got puked on at the hospital on Saturday night. Rite of passage I guess.

If you could change ONE THING in this world, without regarding politics or bad guilt, what would it be?
I would teach people about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Do you like dancing? Absolutely.

George Bush? Good man.

What do you want your children’s names to be, girl/boy?
I'm not telling. Every time I say I like a new a few years later it tops the list of popular names.

Would you ever consider living abroad?
It's a goal in life.

What do you want God to tell you, when you come to heaven?
"Well done."

Who should do this meme?
Anyone. And let me know if you do!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I can't hardly believe it! I got a 93% on my patho exam. I have been afraid of patho since I first heard what it was. It was at the top of my list for reasons I thought I'd never become a nurse. And I got a 93%. I could actually get an A in this class. Maybe I'm smarter than I thought.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Christmas List

I want a pillow for Christmas. My very own, never before used pillow. I know it's lame but that's what I want. That and a new bag and movie tickets (at $10.50 each my student loan budget doesn't make it) and shoes and hmmm, that's it. But mainly I want a new pillow.

Monday, November 06, 2006

2 days in a row!

I guess my boredom is starting to show. 2 blog days in a row! I couldn't come up with any kind of list for "why SLC is better than CA" so instead is my Top 10 Reasons for each school (btw price is not a factor as they are all similar)...

U of U (Ryan's Choice)
1. Ryan will stop bugging me about moving back to UT.
2. I'll be done and able to work in 16 months.
3. I'd get to hang with my old SLC friends again - except most of them are now married or close to it.
4. I'd get to horrify people by saying I went to BYU and the U of U.
5. They work with amazing hospitals.
6. It's the cheapest city to fly home from.
7. I may be able to fit in a road trip or 2...
8. Neilson's Custard - the only thing that might put SLC slightly above CA.
9. I can rockclimb and hike - okay my hiking is more like strolling but at least I can stroll in the mountains.
10. Tim might let me shoot his guns when I'm frustrated with my school work!

1. Cedar City has always felt like home to me.
2. I could actually imagine staying there after graduation.
3. I get 2 years to learn this material.
4. I get a summer break to relax and earn some money.
5. I'd get to meet all new people.
6. I'd be close to the cabin in Hatch.
7. I'd be close to my favorite national parks.
9. Maybe my family would come visit.
10. Did I mention national parks?

U of A
1. They will pay my tuition, books and fees.
2. I have a job right out of school.
3. It looks like a pretty place in pictures.
4. I'd be done in 14 months.
5. I'd get to meet all new people.
6. I might not be allergic to everything that blooms (I am in UT).
7. It's not as hot as Mesa.
8. They have an international airport.
9. I've never lived anywhere other than CA and UT and I don't know anyone there so ADVENTURE!!!
10. I've really liked all the people I've talked to at the school.

So obviously there are good reasons to go to each school. For now, I just need to get into one of them. So back to the eletrolytes.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Process

I know I always say it but I really should be studying right now. I'm in the room, I have the stuff but I'm just not interested. This has become a problem lately. I would rather stare at the wall than memorize one more thing. You see, memorizing is a painful process for me. Okay, not really but I'm bored so bear with me. First I have to learn whatever it is I'm supposed to know. That's usually not so bad. I read the assignment, look up stuff I don't know, review my notes, modify my notes. I actually kind of enjoy that process. However, I can't just understand this stuff - I have to know this stuff. Which means memorizing. I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time getting excited about memorizing the difference between the action of magnesium and the action of phosphate in the body (not that it's not incredibly important). I mean this stuff is so facinating my teacher didn't even want to lecture on it - she skipped it and said to look it up ourselves! Anyway, so memorizing. I pace and mumble so obviously I can't do this in public. I can't just read over the material time and time again - my mind wanders - and I can't just sit there - I get jittery - so I pace and mumble. "Phosphate - Function: blah, blah, blah. Opps - forgot blah. Function: blah, blah, blah, blah. Deficit: blah, blah... Signs and Symptoms: blah, blah - oh wait, that was calcium... phosphate... You get the picture. Not hard, just tedious. It's the best way I've come up with so far but if anyone has ANY suggestions I'm definately open.

And Ryan - I thought of writing a Top 10 List of reasons SLC is better than CA but just couldn't come up with anything. The problem is, anything great about SLC (except my friends) gets trumped by my 3 nephews and the 2 nieces on the way. Sorry. It hardly matters as I'll likely be back in your state soon enough. Your odds are 2 out of 3 that I'll be in UT and 1 out 3 that I'll be in SLC. About the same as me actually getting into a program. Which reminds me, I need to get back to - I mean start memorizing. The wonderful world of electrolytes awaits.