Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Process

I know I always say it but I really should be studying right now. I'm in the room, I have the stuff but I'm just not interested. This has become a problem lately. I would rather stare at the wall than memorize one more thing. You see, memorizing is a painful process for me. Okay, not really but I'm bored so bear with me. First I have to learn whatever it is I'm supposed to know. That's usually not so bad. I read the assignment, look up stuff I don't know, review my notes, modify my notes. I actually kind of enjoy that process. However, I can't just understand this stuff - I have to know this stuff. Which means memorizing. I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time getting excited about memorizing the difference between the action of magnesium and the action of phosphate in the body (not that it's not incredibly important). I mean this stuff is so facinating my teacher didn't even want to lecture on it - she skipped it and said to look it up ourselves! Anyway, so memorizing. I pace and mumble so obviously I can't do this in public. I can't just read over the material time and time again - my mind wanders - and I can't just sit there - I get jittery - so I pace and mumble. "Phosphate - Function: blah, blah, blah. Opps - forgot blah. Function: blah, blah, blah, blah. Deficit: blah, blah... Signs and Symptoms: blah, blah - oh wait, that was calcium... phosphate... You get the picture. Not hard, just tedious. It's the best way I've come up with so far but if anyone has ANY suggestions I'm definately open.

And Ryan - I thought of writing a Top 10 List of reasons SLC is better than CA but just couldn't come up with anything. The problem is, anything great about SLC (except my friends) gets trumped by my 3 nephews and the 2 nieces on the way. Sorry. It hardly matters as I'll likely be back in your state soon enough. Your odds are 2 out of 3 that I'll be in UT and 1 out 3 that I'll be in SLC. About the same as me actually getting into a program. Which reminds me, I need to get back to - I mean start memorizing. The wonderful world of electrolytes awaits.