Monday, October 16, 2006

One more thing

Nate asked for up-dates on my adventures. I haven't really had many adventures lately as my life consists solely of going to school and studying but a couple weekends ago I did run away to a friend's house in Paradise. It was lovely but the highlight was playing sardines in the house. This house was: a) large b) has lots of nooks and crannies and c) extremely dark - like can't see your hand in front of your face - dark. So my friend and I were first to hide and while trying to figure out where we were going she fell down and I tripped over her, also falling to the ground. Mind you we were laughing hysterically, blind and not being very secretive as to our location. We finally decided to hide in the cupboard under the stairs. It took a while to be found, which was good - once found the light was turned on and I realized what a tiny, totally enclosed space I was in and started feeling, you could say, a bit nervous. We had to wait a while for everyone to find us so I practiced my breathing. I'm a good breather. The whole weekend was delightful and I thoroughly enjoyed getting out and playing with my friends. Of course it wouldn't be a Julie adventure without getting lost - we took a small detour on the way there - and a few minor mishaps - when I woke up on Sunday my foot was swollen and beginning to bruise from tripping over my friend. These things make my life entertaining and really, my toes aren't broken. I promise.