Sunday, November 22, 2009

20 pounds down as of today!!! Today has been a much better day, even enjoyed all 3 hours of church.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I'm doing considerably better but I still feel like crap. Mom and I are going for a walk, she's wearing her nightgown underneath her sweats. She said I could write that.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Surgerical Update - do not read while eating.

It's been one week since my gastric bypass surgery. It's been a week that has given me a close up look at hell. I was told on Monday they needed to bump back my surgery to a later time so I didn't need to be at the hospital until 10am. That morning it rained, there was construction and we were late. No biggie, they were running late anyway. I was now scheduled for 4pm. Mind you, I had been on a liquid diet for a week (minus the 3 french fries I almost killed my mother over) and had been on clear liquids since noon and NPO (nothing by mouth) since midnight. It was getting very painful. Surgery went fine and the first thing I remember is being in my room feeling very foggy and thirsty. Still NPO until the next afternoon. It's amazing I didn't kill anyone for a drink of water. It was possible. My hospital stay was miserable-ish. Some really good nurses, some not so great. Here's a huge shocker of my stay... wait for it... I couldn't pee. Yes, it's true. I was unable to pee. Had to have help. I'll leave it at that. Don't worry I'm back to my every 30 minute schedule.

I came home Saturday afternoon, feeling pretty miserable. Saturday night the real pain started. You see, for the surgery they fill up the belly with CO2 so they can see better, all that CO2 gets reabsorbed and comes out in burps and toots. I was vomiting air. Absolutely, horrifically painful and scary. No sleep.

Sunday brought diarrhea and cramping. No sleep. Monday, more diarrhea and cramping. Tuesday, more diarrhea and cramping and a doppler looking for blood clots. No sleep. Wednesday, more diarrhea, cramping and an abdominal CT, and a Priesthood blessing (should that have happened sooner?). Thursday, answers. I have c. Diff. If you work in medicine you will now say, disgusting. C. diff is a difficult bacteria to fight, tends to thrive in compromised immune systems when they receive antibiotics. Usually happens to hospitalized/nursing home patients. Causes horrible, foul-smelling, diarrhea. Yes, that's been me. Yes, I am ready to kill myself. I start antibiotics today.

Other good news, I will hopefully progress to mushy foods today. Wish me luck.

As for weight loss, I've gained 2 pounds while drinking water, jello, Popsicles and milk. They say not to worry about it.

I do feel somewhat better today. I was only up 3 times (that I can remember, thank you ambien) last night. Best sleep so far.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

1 week and counting

I started Optifast today in preparation for surgery next Thursday. I have to admit, it's nice to not worry about food, food preparation, dishes... I had my final appointment with the surgeon and nutritionist today, all is in place. One week and counting.