Sunday, November 23, 2008

You've got to be kidding me....

In nursing school my hands would get raw, I thought from all the washing and alcohol rubs. So when my hands got a bit raw here I didn't think much of it. But yesterday, I worked a 12 hour shift, and by the end my hands were bright purple/red, swollen, and sweaty. Again, blame it on the washing. So I showed my preceptor and she thought maybe I was ripping my gloves off and should be more careful, maybe wear a larger size. By the end of the night all I could get on were larges (I usually wear a medium or small). The other thought was that it might be an allergy to the gloves and to have central supply send a different kind for me to use. No big deal. So I went to work this morning and showed the charge nurse, asking for some different gloves. Turns out this is a big deal. So kind of flipped out on me, what if I had gone home and had a systemic reaction??? I should have said something right away!!! Anyway, I had to be admitted to the ED as a patient, side note: it's really boring and cold in there if you're a patient. I was given benadryl and steroids and told I can't come back until I've been cleared by employee health and my hands are clear. Oh, and I have to wear my own special gloves. 'Cause that's convenient. Lovely. Seriously, who do these kinds of things happen too? Me. Only me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A change

I'm a red-head. You may be wondering why. Yes, I did it on purpose and I love it. I think I was born to be a red-head. I've been wanting to do it for years and last night I went with my friend to buy color for her and ended up buying a box. I got home and thought, why not, what could possibly go wrong? My first try was "strawberry blond" or, in my opinion, pinkish-orange. So I walked calmly across the street and bought a box of darker dye. It turned out perfect and today my friend put in some low and highlights so it looks more natural. Several people at work came up to me and looked confused until they figured it out. Pretty funny. So I don't know how long it will last but for now, I love it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Uncle Rod

A week ago Sunday my Uncle Rod passed away. I've been thinking a lot about him and the influence he had on me and my hope and belief in the Plan of Salvation. My strongest memory of Uncle Rod was Christmas of 1995. I had just completed my first semester at BYU and had taken anatomy in the hopes of going to their nursing program. Rod was so encouraging of my goal and taught me a mnemonic to remember the carpal bones (wrist bones). I can remember the mnemonic but I still have a hard time remembering the names of the bones. "Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle". S?, Lunate, T?, Pisiform, T?, T?, Capitate, Hamate.

Rod was also always so willing to let us visit the cabin in Hatch. I have so many fond memories there and it was such an escape while I was living in Utah. I often dream about it and it is one of my favorite "happy places".

The other truly significant memory I have is actually of a testimony that was born in my singles ward in Dublin. One of the counselors in the bishopric bore his testimony about service and talked about Uncle Rod. Rod had been this man's family doctor. He shared how Rod was always available to answer questions or examine or comfort this man and his family members. He shared that long after Rod had retired he still would follow up and give sought after advice. The counselor was so impressed by the Christ-like love and compassion Uncle Rod had shown his family. It was just another reminder to me of the legacy of love demonstrated in our family. I have been a recipient of that love and hope never to do anything to tarnish that legacy.

Lastly, Uncle Rod's death has given me the opportunity to reflect on my hope and belief in the Plan of Salvation. I feel great comfort in knowing that our family has been sealed by those with authority and that if I live according to my covenants I will be with them for eternity. That is such a comfort. I know that I will see Uncle Rod again and though I am sad to be parted from him now, I know he has been reunited with those he loves that have already passed. I am so grateful for the testimony of Jesus Christ's gospel that I have and know that so much of it has been gained from the example of my family, including Uncle Rod and Aunt Louise. How blessed I am to have this peace.

New Calling

I was called to serve on the Mid-Singles Activities Committee. I'm actually really excited about this particular calling. I hope it will give me the opportunity to get to know people from all over the area and get the inside scoop on all fun things. Of course those are selfish reasons on my part but I'm also looking forward to seeking out and finding ways to include those who are less inclined to participate and contribute to the inviting environment that I have so enjoyed the past month I've been here. I was lucky to have an "in" because of Ty. I know most people don't enjoy the easy transition I have had. Hopefully, I'll be able to help others feel more welcome and ease their way into a circle of friends.

And yes, I still feel icky but thanks to my own personal physician (Ty) and pharmacist (my new friend Jen) I now have drugs to help me feel as good as can be expected. Thankfully I get to work from home today. One more day to rest and recover.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

This past week has been less than fun as I have been down and out and totally pathetic with sickness. I'm not a very good sick patient. I'm very complainy. It started out about 10 days ago with some nausea. By Friday I was very nauseous and tired and having trouble with food. So bad my boss sent me home from work - much to my dismay. Over the course of the next few days I became more and more afraid of food, more and more nauseous, and had loads of very uncomfortable stomach pain. By Monday I was down to white food only and even that made me nervous. Also, extremely tired. So I went to work on Tuesday, EKG class, which was okay but not great. Wednesday I just couldn't make it. So I went to the doctor/Physician Assistant who told me I had gastritis and probably gallstones. Seriously. So for those of you who don't know, gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining. We believe mine was caused by the copious amounts of NSAIDS I've been taking all my life. So the bad news is, no NSAIDS for me ever again. NSAIDS being Tylenol, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc. The good news is, I didn't have a GI bleed. So anyway, I keep thinking I should feel better soon and but I don't so I'm whiny.

A couple of my friends just called and invited me to go to a masquerade party tonight. Maybe if I lay low all day I can swing it.

Oh, and the weather here is incredible. It's been sunny and beautiful and cool and crisp and the trees are various shades of red and yellow and orange. Love it. I'll take pictures one of these days... Maybe when I feel better.