Sunday, November 23, 2008

You've got to be kidding me....

In nursing school my hands would get raw, I thought from all the washing and alcohol rubs. So when my hands got a bit raw here I didn't think much of it. But yesterday, I worked a 12 hour shift, and by the end my hands were bright purple/red, swollen, and sweaty. Again, blame it on the washing. So I showed my preceptor and she thought maybe I was ripping my gloves off and should be more careful, maybe wear a larger size. By the end of the night all I could get on were larges (I usually wear a medium or small). The other thought was that it might be an allergy to the gloves and to have central supply send a different kind for me to use. No big deal. So I went to work this morning and showed the charge nurse, asking for some different gloves. Turns out this is a big deal. So kind of flipped out on me, what if I had gone home and had a systemic reaction??? I should have said something right away!!! Anyway, I had to be admitted to the ED as a patient, side note: it's really boring and cold in there if you're a patient. I was given benadryl and steroids and told I can't come back until I've been cleared by employee health and my hands are clear. Oh, and I have to wear my own special gloves. 'Cause that's convenient. Lovely. Seriously, who do these kinds of things happen too? Me. Only me.


Mom of Four said...

We decided we all like your red hair! (all of us here at Mom and Dad's). Very cute! You crack me up with the glove situation. How do these things always happen to you? It was good talking to you yesterday. Happy Thanksgiving!
-- Crissie