Monday, November 06, 2006

2 days in a row!

I guess my boredom is starting to show. 2 blog days in a row! I couldn't come up with any kind of list for "why SLC is better than CA" so instead is my Top 10 Reasons for each school (btw price is not a factor as they are all similar)...

U of U (Ryan's Choice)
1. Ryan will stop bugging me about moving back to UT.
2. I'll be done and able to work in 16 months.
3. I'd get to hang with my old SLC friends again - except most of them are now married or close to it.
4. I'd get to horrify people by saying I went to BYU and the U of U.
5. They work with amazing hospitals.
6. It's the cheapest city to fly home from.
7. I may be able to fit in a road trip or 2...
8. Neilson's Custard - the only thing that might put SLC slightly above CA.
9. I can rockclimb and hike - okay my hiking is more like strolling but at least I can stroll in the mountains.
10. Tim might let me shoot his guns when I'm frustrated with my school work!

1. Cedar City has always felt like home to me.
2. I could actually imagine staying there after graduation.
3. I get 2 years to learn this material.
4. I get a summer break to relax and earn some money.
5. I'd get to meet all new people.
6. I'd be close to the cabin in Hatch.
7. I'd be close to my favorite national parks.
9. Maybe my family would come visit.
10. Did I mention national parks?

U of A
1. They will pay my tuition, books and fees.
2. I have a job right out of school.
3. It looks like a pretty place in pictures.
4. I'd be done in 14 months.
5. I'd get to meet all new people.
6. I might not be allergic to everything that blooms (I am in UT).
7. It's not as hot as Mesa.
8. They have an international airport.
9. I've never lived anywhere other than CA and UT and I don't know anyone there so ADVENTURE!!!
10. I've really liked all the people I've talked to at the school.

So obviously there are good reasons to go to each school. For now, I just need to get into one of them. So back to the eletrolytes.


Anonymous said...

I was going to tell you to add that you would be really close to me if you went to SUU, but I don't think you'll get there before I leave. BTW - I GRADUATE IN MAY!!!!! I'm so freaking excited!