Thursday, April 10, 2008


I love Thursdays. I always secretly have. Unlike Friday, there is no expectation that you will go out or Saturday when you feel compelled to do chores. Thursday is all about anticipation. On Thursday you always think, "Yea, tomorrow is Friday and the weekend! I can survive this heinous week!"

Then nursing school struck and even surviving through Friday from the distance of Thursday seemed impossible.

But then Vulnerable Populations happened. I don't want to curse myself but since completing the killer classroom portion of this semester in early February and then panicking and finishing all my assignments early (yes, I am a complete nerd and that is why I am in two (2) honor societies) I seem to have lots of free time.

It's very strange.

I've read several novels (mostly mindless, just in case I need the brain power elsewhere), have begun attending church activities, have invited people over, played Guitar Hero on school nights, have pondered what hobbies I used to enjoy and might want to pick up again but probably shouldn't because I have no money, and most shockingly, have gone days without reading anything even remotely nursing related. All this makes me nervous. Of course without real stress I must invent some. So I wonder, should I start studying for the NCLEX or go back to my novel. At least for tonight the novel wins.

Oh, don't worry, I'm still working hard and loving the work. Had a delightful patient today. She's in her 90's and still cruisin'. Reminded me of Grandparents. I had almost complete responsibility for her - my nurse was busy making sure one of her other patients didn't escape - so I felt like a real nurse. Especially when I figured out I needed to unclamp the IV before trying to flush it and that abdominal pain of unknown origin is sometimes just gas. It's good to feel like a complete idiot at least once a day. I generally shoot for twice. Yea, I definitely love this.