Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My first choice hospital is a level 1 trauma center in Fairfax, VA. It is an amazing ER, they train new grads in trauma (unheard of), have computers in every room for easy charting, and it's HUGE! I was giddy just walking through. The only concern, my friend is a doctor there. I have been nervous about this as we've never worked together and it could be a new challenge for us. It's a bit like moving in with your best friend. She may be your best friend but may not be the best roommate. After seeing how large the ER was my concerns were appeased. And then the question...

Interviewer (I): "What does Dr. X say about doctors and nurses and working together?"
Me: "Well, we've been friends for a long time and while we've never worked together we've planned lots of activities together and we get along well. I think if we ever have a problem we'll work it out."
I: Blank stare.
I: Giggles.
I: "I meant, what does he think of the nurses on the unit?"
Me: "Oh. (embarrassed laughter) Why didn't you stop me?"
I: "You were on a roll. And it was funny."
Me & I: laughter...

At the conclusion of the interview she walked me out of the hospital, almost to the parking garage, and told me I could have the last spot in the October orientation. Come to find out later (from Dr. X) that she created a spot for me. I'm really excited to work with this women. I haven't enjoyed an interview that much...ever. The HR recruiter called today to officially extend an offer.

Guess I'm moving to VA.

P.S. In two days I interviewed at 4 hospitals in 5 units (3 ERs, 2 NICUs). I expect to hear from the rest of them sometime this week.


Mom of Four said...

"...and while we've never worked together we've planned lots of activities together" hahahahahaha You are so funny Julie! By the way, Congrats!
-- Crissie

Kristin said...

Congrats! That is awesome, especially since it was your first choice.

Feel free to stay at our private hostel along the way if you choose to drive.