Saturday, August 30, 2008

Officially moving...

I scheduled the movers today. I decided it was silly for my to go home then come back to Tucson just to take the NCLEX so the movers are coming on Friday and I'm going home until it's time to go to VA. I'm having a bit of a hard time with the idea of leaving Tucson and all my friends. I've actually found some great girlfriends here and am sad to leave them, especially with such short notice. I suppose I'll miss a few things about Tucson.

Things I'll actually miss...
1. Thunder storms
2. Lightening
3. Drenching rain
4. Warm winters
5. Driving through big puddles
6. Keri, Dana, Marni, Elizabeth, Emily, Lisa, Chrissy, and Diana - others as well but especially these girls
7. Knowing where I'm going (geographically)because of all of the easy to see landmarks
8. The DeGeer's
9. Knowing Cafe Rio and Nielson's Custard is only 2 hours away
10. Social laziness
11. The security of an instructor and a nurse following my every move
12. Caesar salads from Greek Patio
13. Making fun of Tucson and having other people get it
14. Having my own bathroom
15. Being in the same time zone as my family, at least half the year


Mom of Four said...

Congrats once again! We're excited to see you in a week or two.

'Cembers Thoughts said...

How come Joe and I aren't on your list?? Just kidding. You want to know something cool? We had a baby!! Here's our blog

email us

Good luck in VA
