Saturday, January 02, 2010

Weight Loss

This photo was taken in October, just a few weeks prior to surgery.

This was taken on Thanksgiving, 2 weeks after surgery. I was down about 15-20 pounds.

Last week, taken at "Ice", an incredible ice sculpture exhibit my friend took us to. Photos to follow on another post... I'm down about 37 pounds, 2-3 jean sizes. I actually fit nicely into a size 14 dress at Banana Republic yesterday!

Taken Thursday

I've been feeling pretty good lately. I would say my energy level is almost normal and I'm able to eat a greater variety of foods. I currently eat, as several people have asked, lots of dairy, eggs, chicken, and crackers. "Lots" being relative. I typically eat about 3 bites per meal. I recently purchased child sized silverware which has made eating far more enjoyable. This week I started eating non-pureed fruit, i.e. apples and berries. I haven't lost any hair, thankfully (Mom said people were asking). Any other questions...? I am delighted with the results of my surgery and am looking forward to returning to work in a couple weeks. I've been off forever (I can't go back until I can go back with no restrictions) and I'm ready to see my friends and patients again.
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ricciquill said...

you look beautiful!!!!

Kristin said...

WOW! I'm sure it has been tough, but amazing results so far...and so quickly too!