Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I'm sitting in a hotel room tonight, down the street from my hospital. I'm on-call and couldn't stand the thought of staying at the hospital, again, but have to be able to get there if they need me. I spent the weekend working nights and sleeping at the hospital during the day. The snow here has been insane!

A few weeks ago I went home for a visit. I got to go visit my Grandma and was able to go with her when she was taken to the ER. She past away a week later. I am so grateful I was able to be there to say my goodbyes. She was a beautiful women and will be missed. Grandma dedicated her life to her family and the church. Thankfully I was able to go back home a week later for her funeral. It was so comforting to be with my family and to celebrate her life. I remember, before her stroke, Grandma would recite stories and poems and tell stories from her childhood. I've missed her voice as she has lost her speech over the years. One of my greatest comforts has been that I know she is with my Aunt Kathy and so many of her friends and family and that she is now free of the body that had become worn. I have been so comforted by my testimony of eternal families and that she still lives.

The latest update on my surgery and progress, I am down 50 pounds. I am not throwing up nearly as often and usually only when I drink too much water. I'm getting better about getting all my vitamins in. As many have asked, and I've been worried about, my hair is falling out a bit more than normal and I struggle to stay hydrated. Don't worry though, I found a protein supplement that should help with the hair and I'm always trying to drink.

So mostly I haven't written because I've been traveling, mourning, working, snowed in, sleeping, and a bit sad. Nothing much else is new.


ricciquill said...

I am so sorry for your loss of your Grandmother. I hope her memories will always live in you.