Thursday, February 07, 2008

I love Western Medicine...

Today we learned about a pain management technique called Therapeutic Touch. It's based on the idea that we all have energy fields around us and when we are ill or experiencing pain there is a disruption in our energy field. Therapeutic Touch is designed to smooth out the energy field and help us heal. I have no problem with that, I believe we do have an energy about us, but since I couldn't "feel" my field one of my classmates volunteered me as a subject. Perfect, I had a headache (like always) and my back hurt (from sitting on a stool for hours on end) so hey, I'm game. So our instructor waved her hands around me and I didn't feel anything - which believe me was not what I was supposed to say. We kept practicing and by the end of class my little headache was a full-blown, I hate the inventor of light and please stop making noise I might vomit, bad headache. Assuming it was a sinus headache I prescribed myself 2 Sudafed and waited. Nothing. Called mom - going to die - Nothing. So I took a couple, okay 4 Ibuprofen and 2 (never take more than 2 at a time if you want to keep your liver) Tylenol and a bowl of Cheerios (never take that many drugs on an empty stomach) and, hey, 30 minutes later I feel fantastic. Might even be ready to tackle my neuro assignment. So while I think this "natural" stuff is lovely and makes my heart warm, when I hurt - give me the good stuff.

Oh, and the good news is... I will be spending my Vulnerable Populations rotation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). I can't wait.


Kristin said...

Ooo, no arm waving for my headaches...I take two Excedrin, or for really bad ones, my mom used to give us two aspirin and one Excedrin as the migraine cocktail.

Currently, as I am not allowed to take Excedrin, I do two Tylenol with a huge Dr. Pepper, as the caffeine is very effective for migraine relief. This combo doesn't work quite as well as Excedrin, but it does make carrying on in life bearable.

I probably would have laughed at my intructor, which wouldn't have helped the situation.

Hope you are feeling much better now.

chickadee3357 said...

I love it Julie! Next time I get a headache I will try the arm waving. I generally try to get fresh air personally.

Mom of Four said...

Loved that story. Waving arms only annoys my energy fields, so don't mess with my space, lady!