Thursday, January 31, 2008

I've been running like a crazy women since coming back to Tucson. My old roommate Risa was here when I got back and was able to stay a day. We went exploring up on Mt. Lemmon and ate at my favorite restaurant Oregano's. I started school a few days later and it's been INSANE! School is always crazy but this semester we fit an entire semester worth of didatic into two weeks. That's everything you ever wanted (or didn't want) to know about psych and vulnerable populations. Now we're going to spend the next couple of weeks in lab learning how to not kill our critical care patients. Yea. Of course my life is never simple so I couldn't set up my wireless internet and in the process of trying killed my roommate's land line, ran out of printer ink thereby partially printing on 50 pages, crashed Adobe Acrobat and had so many printer issues I want to cry everytime I have to print anything. Oh, and I was sitting in class 8 hours everyday. So my first weekend back Karen came to visit, which I loved, and we went exploring on Mt. Lemmon. One of the Search and Rescue teams was practicing and asked if we'd like to "play" to which we smiled and giggled and then kicked ourselves for not going along with. My new roommate Keri is amazing. I love coming home because she's so pleasant and she goes and does stuff with me and she makes me go work out with her (very good). She kind of balances my tightly wound personality and is literally keeping me sane. I also started my new diet. It sucked the first week but then Keri offered to cook my dinners (and the leftovers I eat for lunch). Keri is in a master's program that's mostly online and hasn't found a job yet so she gets very, very bored. And she loves to cook. So good for me. I do the dishes, take out the trash and anything I can possibly think of to keep her happy. My diet is going really well - 10 pounds down today! That turns out to be about 3.3 pounds a week. I can handle that. Still no guys in Tucson but I registered for the mid-singles conference in Huntington Beach so I'm trying to be optimistic. In Feb Ryan, Karen, Andrea and Kristen are coming out to run in the Ragnar Relay - so excited about that. Even if Ryan has started calling me a "neurotic worrier". I really don't think I was being irrational. Someone in his car wanted to leave after classes (which finished at 3pm) I told him I didn't think it was a good plan to leave that late for a 12 hour drive when he would be up all night the next night and then have to drive back another 12 hours. I could just picture what he would look like in the trauma bay at UMC. Okay, maybe a little neurotic. They're leaving at 9am. I doubt any of that had to do with my concern. I can't wait to see my friends. So, as you can see, my brain is all over the place and slightly chaotic but I'm hanging on and enjoying almost all of it (I'm still scared of my printer).


Steph said...

Julie... I'm sad I missed you when you were here last month. I guess my phone call to you was too late. Boo! I am NOT missing you the next time you come home for a visit, okay? You are too much fun to miss again.

Congrats on the diet. Ten pounds is awesome! I wish I lost ten pounds in the past few weeks...