Friday, May 02, 2008

Huntington Beach Single Adult Conference

Friday: We arrived in HB and went to the opening mixer. Keri was talking to a friend when she looked up and saw a guy that looked really familiar.
Keri to her friend: Ask that guy his name...
Keri's friend: No way. You ask him.
Keri: I think that's Julie's friend Tyler
Keri to Ty: What's your name?
Ty: Tyler.
Keri: Tyler, what?
Ty: ....
Keri: Do you know Julie ...?
Ty: Yes! She's one of my favorite people!
Keri: She's my roommate!
Ty: Calls me...

Saturday: We all met at the stake center for a morning devotional, lunch, and then off to the beach for volleyball. Afterward, Keri and I combined our friends and went to dinner then to the church for mingling and dancing.

Keri and I at dinner

Ty and I plus a couple of his friends and Keri and her San Diego friends

Marcello, Emily, and Tyler

Me and Tyler

Sunday: We met at the church for a two hour sacrament meeting. Really good talks about getting married and making commitments. Blah, blah, blah. Afterward we had lunch, where I dropped strawberries on my shirt and an ice cream sandwich down my shirt! After lunch they had a musical fireside which we left half way through. We were all very tired so sitting and listening to soothing music was impossible. So Ty, Keri, Dave (a new friend from the conference), and I left and headed to Long Beach. Once in Long Beach we visited the Queen Mary - little creepy in my opinion - then dropped off Ty - he had to get up early to study for his last board exam - and heading to Sgt. Pepper's Dueling Pianos. This place was really fun! It's a bar but they have two pianos and the musicians take requests and duel on the two pianos. It's like a live band and kareoke combined!

Keri, Me, and Ty and a really cool phone booth on the Queen Mary in Long Beach

Sgt. Peppers Dueling Pianos - they were playing my song

Keri and Dave at Sgt. Peppers - the sign says you might experience hearing loss.

Monday: Sunday I ran into one of Bree's old roommates, Julie. So we (Keri, Julie, I) met up for breakfast at the Sugar Shack then went down to the beach.

Keri and I at Huntington Beach