Friday, May 02, 2008

New Love

My surgeon told me I should swim. My trainer told me I should swim. My massage lady told me I should swim. But I saw the sorority sisters heading to the pool in their skimpy bikinis and I thought, "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" That was until yesterday. After wearing my swimsuit in front of 700 some odd LDS single adults in HB the rec center pool didn't seem so intimidating. That and my friend Fabio said he goes every night and said I should come with him and he swims at night. So last night I went. AND I LOVED IT! I promised myself I would swim for 20 minutes and the first 10 were painful but then I got into a rhythm and when 20 minutes had gone by I wasn't ready to go. But I didn't want to over do it on the first night and never want to go again so I stopped. I looked forward to swimming all day today. We were originally planning on going at 6 but Fabio had to work late so I gave up a ward activity to go swimming at 8:30. I swam for 30 minutes tonight and would have loved to keep going but the pool closes at 9. Ahh, can't wait until tomorrow.