Wednesday, September 13, 2006

1 Down

1 down and 2 more to go, then I'll be done with my first round of tests. I was most worried (a lovely trait inherited from my mother - don't worry, she freely admits it) about my anatomy theory test. Truth is, I've never received above a C in anatomy. Amazing, I know, but true. And on Thursday I took my first quiz and got a 70%. Hence the tremendous amounts of fear. I even looked in the newspaper classifieds. I have so much faith. So last night I received my first A on an anatomy exam. 94% and I would have done better had I not over thought 3 of the 4 I got wrong. Note to self: he doesn't do trick questions. I just may pull this off after all. Hee Hee.


Anonymous said...

Congrats and good job! I hate it when you don't know exactly what the prof is looking for. It's always that first test and then everything is cool. Keep it up!