Friday, September 22, 2006


No, not the show. Me. I spent over an hour being lost yesterday - in commute traffic. You'd think I could follow simple directions but when those directions are cut off on one side and there's a detour and you can't make any U turns, it becomes a lot harder. Let's just say I know the Hayward streets better than I'd like to now. Good thing I had a new CD to listen to. I'm sure all the other commute traffickers thought I was pretty funny - dancing and cursing - dancing and cursing. It's a really fun CD.

We were introduced to our cadavers yesterday. You have to just love all the freaking out that goes on. "They stink" "Is this smell going to ruin my clothes" "Do I have to touch it?" "Don't leave me alone in here!!" "Gross". And these people want to be nurses?? One of our cadavers hasn't been dissected yet so my prof. asked it we wanted to - I am so going to love this!

By the way, I did manage to get to class on time (barely) despite my lostness and I did get a 95% on my first anatomy lab test. I am the WOMAN!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I"m assuming you were introduced to cadavers before. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in that room either. That's why I'm in Rec. NO DEAD PEOPLE!

Congrats on your test!