Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My apologies

I'm sorry I haven't written much lately I'm going through a fairly uneventful time right now. Mostly just waiting for school to start and for my life to get busy again. I just finished reading "The Devil Wears Prada" which was good but not as great as the hype. I bought my first PDA last week and I'm totally obsessed with it. Every few minutes I think of something I must enter. The purpose of buying it was to download the millions of flashcards I will inevitably make this semester. Last night I downloaded some that I made a few months ago and realized what a complete nerd I really am. Who knew studying flashcards could be so fun! Sad I know. So that's about it. No epiphanies, no wild adventures, no "You'll never believe what happened to me" stories for now. Don't worry though, I'm sure some are just on the horizon.