Monday, September 29, 2008

Leaving CA...

I had a bit of a breakdown on Friday night. I just wasn't ready to start my new adventure in VA. I wanted to stay in CA, visit with my family, read, go to the river, and just relax after the stress of graduating, planning the move, studying for and taking the NCLEX, and then fixing my disastrously botched move. I just needed a break. So I changed my flight to go on Wednesday. Today I called to reschedule my physical (required before I start working next week) and they said, "oh no, if you don't come in on Wednesday we'll have to reschedule your start date." Such is my life. So after some scrambling I managed to get on a flight for Tuesday. Yea for me. So today will be a whirlwind of packing and highlighting my hair. Yes, I started highlighting my hair last winter and while I love having my bright blond hair back it makes me a bit sick to have to dye it.

Other than that, last week I took the three nephews on our "date". My favorite activities when I visit are my dates with the little boys. I usually take J&J out together and C out by himself. In the past we've gone to movies and Chuck E. Cheese (my favorite). So this time I really wanted to take them to the climbing gym and introduce them to my favorite sport but they wanted to go bowling. Bowling. Yes. Okay. I picked J up from school then the other J. Little J started preschool this year and loves it! He was so excited when he came out - he's going on a field trip to the pumpkin patch and just HAD to call his mom to tell her all about it. Darling. We jumped on the freeway and headed for Livermore to get C. About 10 minutes later Little J asked if we could go home. I said we were on our way to get C and then to go bowling. He said, in his little 4 year old voice, "but I have to go pee-pee and I can't hold it." Panic. So we got off at the nearest McDonald's. Whew. We picked up C and headed for the bowling alley. When we got there Big J promptly (though accidentally) slammed Little J's fingers in the car door. I hear this little voice, "open the door... open the door... open the door." I think I was more freaked out about it than he was. He was not about to go home and since his fingers weren't broken... So we bowled and played video games and got bouncy balls and were generally loud and crazy. Then headed over to McDonald's for dinner and more playing. We were all disappointed to go home. The boys were so cute and so good. I think I heard more giggles over pee pee and underwear than a gaggle of 12 year old girls could produce. I tried not to encourage it but it was pretty funny. I just love those boys. They are so delightful and loving. I miss them so much when I'm not around!