Tuesday, September 09, 2008

More Glider Flying...

Sunday, before leaving Tucson, I had one last flight with Jeff. Still amazing. We got up to 10,000 feet - and I contributed several thousand of those feet. I thoroughly enjoyed the flight - even the part where I threw up all over my self. Yes, it was pathetic but I felt great afterward, good enough that we did some dives and high speed turning. Falling is far more comfortable than Gs (in my opinion), and more fun. Again I had a great time and, even with the nausea/vomiting, would go again in a heartbeat. There are ways to overcome air sickness. Few things beat the feeling of flying. Thanks Jeff!

10,000+ feet

Another glider we were flying with

So my aim wasn't the best for this picture

Me, pre-airsick

I can hardly believe Jeff was willing to touch me at that point!