Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The move...

I was planning on extending my CA visit to Wednesday before heading to VA, but come to find out, I have to have my pre-employment physical done on Wednesday so I flew out to VA today. When I arrive at the rental car place to pick up my car (who knows when mine will actually arrive) it's softly raining. When I finish my paperwork and walk outside it's softly raining. When I arrive at my car (50 feet away) it's a torrential downpour. I'm soaked through by the time I finish putting my luggage in the car. So I bust out my new GPS and map it for home. About 5 minutes later the battery dies. So I'm on some freeway, somewhere near Dulles airport, in a downpour, with no directions. And no pen. So I pull over and scramble to the trunk (confident I will be run over by an 18 wheeler) to try to find a pen in my luggage. Once located I called my friend who directed me home and invited me to come watch him play basketball. Ohhh, fun. But I'm a sucker for socializing so I did. He arrived 30 minutes later than I expected so I sat on the stage with a bunch of sweating guys I didn't know. I'm pretty sure they thought I was some kind of stalker freak/desperate social retard. Seriously, who goes and watches church basketball on Tuesday night?! It was pretty funny and I was very happy when he finally showed up and demonstrated that I was not quite as big a loser as they may have thought.

So tomorrow I start unpacking. I have way more stuff than I realized but I think I have enough space for it all. My roommates seem really nice - they've done so much to make this move manageable for me. I don't know what I would have done otherwise.

P.S. Last night my family had a combined Family Home Evening at Dave & Crissie's house. It was so much fun and I loved watching my nieces and nephews participate in learning the gospel. Listening to them sing "I am a Child of God" about made my heart burst. I hope they take the message to heart and always remember who they are and how much they are loved, both by their Heavenly Father and their earthly family. I don't know if there is anything I wouldn't do for those kids. I miss them dearly when I'm not there and leaving is always painful. On the happy side, I took a ton of pictures, some sweet ones and some funny ones. I'll post them soon so come back and check...


Kristin said...

Big congrats!!!

Hope everything in VA goes very well for you. Enjoy the new job!