Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Shouldn't I see better???

I got my first pair of contact lenses today. You'd think I'd be able to see better but I think there must be a disconnect between my eyes and my brain because I have to stare at something for a second before my eyes focus. That, and I feel like every muscle in my head is actively trying to thrust the contacts out or keep them attached to my eyeballs. Very odd I must say. I've had an overwhelming desire to close my eyes for the last 3 hours. Only 1 more hour to go...


Anonymous said...

This is why I haven't moved on to contacts just yet, although I'd be able to see better with them than my current ocular program, which is nothing! lol

You will always be able to see better with glasses. Period. Contacts just make it so you can see well enough to not wear your glasses. Plus, your nerves haven't quite figured out what's on your eyes because, naturally you shouldn't have anything there.

You're eyes will be tired for a little bit. If that doesn't start to improve, you may have the wrong type of contact and or correction strength.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

It will be worth it, trust me. I haven't worn glasses for 10 years and have never missed them.