Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I never finished writing about my Tucson trip. The short version, I really liked it. The people were super friendly - everyone I met gave me a recommendation for something to do and a place to eat. Needless to say, I'll have to go back to do all of it. For the more curious, here's the rundown...

Sunday: I went to the 3rd ward, late (of course) because I couldn't find a place to park. My neighbors (in the chapel) introduced themselves and welcomed me. I thought it was a good start. I was obviously inspired to attend the 3rd ward because all the people I knew were in it. Jennifer (the UA Nursing Admin) introduced me to her cousin Teresa who invited me to dinner at Jennifer's family home. Seriously, you have to be the friendliest people ever to invite a stranger to family dinner!

Monday: Friday night at the hospital orientation meeting I made arrangements to shadow in the trauma unit at University Medical Center. IT WAS AMAZING! I really, really liked it. We had 4 level 2 (white) traumas. 2 of them were kids who fell off 4-wheelers (note to self). A guy who was in meth wash-out and rolled his truck into a bar (ironic, slightly funny and seriously pissed off the resident). The last trauma was a car accident but nothing too serious. At that point I was more interested in the head injury that was causing excitement. I got to help hold him down for a procedure he wasn't too thrilled about. Anyway, when I made the arrangements to shadow they said most people stay for about 2 hours, I was there for 7. At that point I decided I'd better go before I passed out and became their next patient. But, as my brother pointed out, the biggest indication of my complete bliss during those 7 hours - I only went to the bathroom once. I know, it's amazing. I wouldn't believe it either.

So after my amazing day at the hospital I went to dinner with Teresa and then to FHE. I still don't have a strong grasp on what the single world is like for the older crowd but I really enjoyed Tucson and I'm hopeful. At this point I'm leaning (heavily) toward UA. I'd be a new adventure. I think I'm ready for that.