Saturday, October 20, 2007

To answer Ashley's question from ages ago... An Eegee is like a Slurpy but more icey and way yummier. I was going to take a picture of one but somehow I eat the whole thing before I get my camera out.

The past weeks have been crazy with clinicals. Turns out, I get attached to my patients. It's been pretty hard on me. My last patient was really miserable and there just wasn't much we could do for her. She kept telling me she wanted to die. Do you know how painful it is when you are doing everything you can to help someone and they want to die but it's just not their time yet? It's heartbreaking.

School has been really hard this semester and I've been seriously wondering why I'm doing this to myself. I keep plugging away at it and slowly it's getting done but the joy of it all has definitely been lost. The problem is we can't have an experience without having a huge assignment attached to it. For example, I was in GYN surgery this week - pretty cool - now I have to write a paper about it. I suppose that's what school is all about.

On the other hand, I've been really enjoying my friendship with the guys and Jaime (that's actually how she spells her name). We've done some pretty fun things lately but for some reason blogger won't let me up-load pictures right now so you'll have to check back for the details...